Tuesday 8 June 2010

Sunday 25 April 2010

Emily's Apron

I made this apron for my Niece for her 3rd birthday

My first knitted hat

Beginning to Knit

I have wanted to learn to knit for sometime now, I mastered crocheting a few months ago with the help of an amazing book 'Stitch N' Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker by Debbie Stoller. I stumbled across it at our local library, thumbed through it and just had to borrow it. I like her style of no nonsense, amusing easy to understand instructions. So for Christmas I asked my sister for the Stitch 'n Bitch : The Knitters Handbook. and I learned to knit! Not content with just knitting squares, I jumped straight in with a the ribbed hat! The pattern needed chunky wool, but I only had DK in a colour suitable for a boy (!) so I just used two strands together and it worked just fine! The hat is amazing it fits all of us!

And so my passion for knitting has been born. I have ordered so much yarn (must stop calling it wool!) I stumbled across a couple of fab websites to buy discount yarn one being Kemps Wool Shop, I have placed a number of orders with them, they have always impressed me with a quick delivery, which usually arrives just a couple of days after my order.

Always keen to do things as cheaply as possible, I managed to get hold of all my knitting and crochet needles from a house clearance shop for a very small price. I know Charity shops often have a stash, they're usually tucked away so its best to ask if they have any.

Friday 16 April 2010

Craft bag

I wanted to make something special for a close friend, who also happens to be into crafting, I thought a craft bag would be ideal... So after getting some inspiration from Running with Scissors tutorial, (http://projectsbyjess.blogspot.com/2010/01/school-bag-tutorial.html) I set about making my own version... which for a frist attempt, I was quite pleased with!

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Random makes from the past year

Davey Jones - The perfect costume when you have a glut of runner beans!

One of my cards... I'll do a seperate post of my other cards

Dylan on Children in Need 'Spotty day'

Millie Moo's Prom Dress

Lego Man Costume - NYE 2008-2009 Only problem with this costume - no mouth hole!

Zippy - my 30th Birthday Party It was a 70's fancy dress party and Paul could just go in standard fancy dress - it had to be Zippy - I searched everywhere for a costume to no avail - so I gave up and decided to make my own. The head was the hardest part to make - made out of Papier Mache, I had to construct a structure from thin strips of card, when covered in the wet papier mache however, it started to collapse so I made a hole in the side and blew it back up with a hair dryer. It took hours to dry was was still a bit wet when it came to the party!